Hi Doug (and other Mail Merge knowledgeable folks!),
I'm going to tag along on this thread as I have a similar problem. I read
your article and though it is well written, for an unsophisticated user like
me, it took me a while to get thru but I persisted and finally did it...wrong.
I set up a test and made the catalog type file with my e-mail address and
different file names on five separate lines. (However, my file was not in
table format as your article shows but I was unsure if you were doing that
for illustrative purposes only. My e-mail address was separated from the
file name by a tab spacing, my e-mail address always started on a new line.
If it is actually supposed to be in cells (table), how do you get it to do
that? I would have thought it would do it on its own automatically.)
My file looked like:
(e-mail address removed) testfile1.pdf
(e-mail address removed) testfile2.pdf
When I ran the macro, it gave me the Outlook warning message which I
expected. I pressed YES six times, but when it kept on asking I pressed NO.
I only had 5 test lines in file. In Word I could see Doc241 being created.
Where was it getting all the e-mail addresses from? Worse yet, when I
checked my Outlook, I received no messages from this!
What I really want done is slightly different but I thought this would be a
good base from which I could improvise. In case there's an easier way to go
about it, here's what I'd really like to do:
I have an Excel file that contains Names, E-mail, City column labels.
There will be a Name in every cell under that column. Only some cells will
have an e-mail, and only some cells will have City populated. The City will
be limited to 6 choices.
I would like to e-mail all the people with the same city the same attachment
(i.e., the attachment is city-specific). I think the mail merge feature is
needed but I'm not quite sure how.
My workaround is to sort the list by city then e-mail address, make a new
distribution list in Outlook for each of the 6 cities and cut and paste the
respective e-mails into the different distribution lists, then e-mail the
each distribution list its city-specific attachment. However, there are many
names on the list so this could take quite a while.
Using Word 2000 on XP
thx for any suggestions.