How do I include non working time in duration?



Hi I am setting up a project and in the duration column I want to show the
total number of days required for the project including non working days -
i.e if a task takes 6 days and starts on a Monday, if Sat and Sun are non
working the task is finished on the following Monday but has taken 8 days to
complete (including non working time).... Does anyone know how i can show

Gérard Ducouret


You could insert a custom field (Text or Number, with the formula:
But this DateDiff function rounds down to the lowest entire number.

Gérard Ducouret

Andrew Lavinsky

There's probably a more elegant formula, but you could try adding a custom
Duration field (like Duration1), and inserting the following formula:

(ProjDateDiff([Start],[Finish],"24 hours"))/3

Make sure to roll it up to the summary level. This will calculate the total
elapsed days for you (assuming you're using a base of 8 hour days).

Alternately, you could schedule in elapsed days, i.e. type in "8ed" instead
of "6d" for the task duration.

- Andrew Lavinsky

Steve House

The other replies on using a DateDiff function in a custom field are the way
to go to display the total days you want. But remember, projects only move
forward when resources do work on their tasks. Work only takes place when
the resources are physically there and stops during non-working time. So as
far as actually developing a schedule of who needs to do what when in order
to drive the project to completion, the only thing that really counts is the
working time - non-working time is completely irrelevant. The only time
elapsed time is signifigant from a schedule development viewpoint is for
things like drying time for paint or hardening time for concrete, things
that proceed whether or not a resource is actually present, and they're
pretty rare.

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