How do I incorporate a formula to calculate many months releases?



I am trying to level load a shop floor. I am trying to take a certain number
of hours and spread it over 2 months on up to 5 months and spreading it into
several different buckets.

For instance:

Total hours = 160. My formula needs to say something like; If the hours are
less than 100 take 10% and put in in the ship bucket and spread the other
hours 40% to the immediate following month and 50% in the next month.

Sean Timmons

May need more details on this. What determines if it's 2, 3, 4 or 5 months?

Do you have # of hours for each month available?


Thanks for asking for more details, here they are:

I have a total # of hours and if the hours are less than 100 I want to
spread over 3 months total 10% going directly to the ship month then spread
over the other two months. IF the hours are less than 400, but greater than
101 I want to spread over 4 months, 10% going directly to the ship month,
then spread over the other 3 months and so on.


Sean Timmons



will be your ship month regardless.

then, in month 1:


I would think over 4 or 5 months, you'd want 20% in month 1...

month 2:


month 3:

No month 4 for the under 100 crowd. The under 700 crowd does a little more
this month.

month 4:


month 5:


Notice I have the "" to show a blank cell if the month is not needed.

Make sense?

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