How do I increase a $ by a % to a current amount in a cell?



We resell equipment with a 30% upcharge for profit. How can I increase all $
amounts to include the upcharge without manually re-entering the amount?

I am relatively new at this. Thanks!

Gary''s Student

Say the $ amount are in a given column, say column G. In an unused cell enter:


copy this cell and:

Edit > Paste Special > Multiply onto the cells in column G

Mike H


Assuming you have a column with your purchase price in you can do it in a
couple of ways:-

Put this in and adjacent column and drag down


Put 1.3 in a cell somewhere and copy it.
Select your original prices and then
Edit|Paste special
Select multiply and click OK
delete the cell with 1.3 in


Bob I

Copy a cell that contains 0.3 and then select all the "amounts" and then
click Edit, Paste Special, Multiply.

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