How do I increase the available number of formats in Excel 2003?



Using Excel 2003 I am creating a program that analyzes splits in a swimming
meet. I have been able to increase the number of formats it will allow by
saving the program, rebooting the computer, then reopening the program. But
now that doesn't work. Any suggestions? Is there an area in the computer that
saves these formats that can be increased in size? If so, how do I do it?

Rick Rothstein

What exactly do you mean by "formats"? Are you referring to cell formatting
like when you click Format/Cells from the Excel menu bar? If so, how many
*different* cell formats can you possibly be using within your one workbook?
Or did you mean something else when you used the word "format"? If so,
please give us some examples of what they are and what they look like.

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