How do I increase the parking stalls to more than 15 in visio


Tony Murnion

Whenever I expand the Parking Strip 1 object, it does not expand beyond 15

Is there a way to increase this?


John Marshall, MVP

When Visio creates these expandable shapes they decide on the maximum number
and hide the ones greater than the minimum. As the shape is expanded, more
of the shape is made visible. The shape can be modified and more sections
added OR you can place another copy of the shape next to it.

John... Visio MVP

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Tony Murnion


Thanks for the reply. I had thought about copying it but wanted to make
sure I was not missing something somewhere first. You mentioned you could
modify the shape and more sections added. How would you go about that?

Thanks again.

Tony Murnion

John Marshall, MVP

It would involve opening a copy of the spreadsheet and adding two new
geometry sections for a stall on the top and the bottom row. Since all the
geometry shapes for the top stalls come before the bottom stalls, it may be
necessary to shift all the bottom stalls (not an easy task). There is also a
number of user cells that will need changing. If I HAD to do it, I would
have to set aside the good part of a day for the task.

It takes a bit of playing to get two copies of the stalls shape to align.

John... Visio MVP

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