how do i indicate a partial completion date?


Gilda Stone

Product - Microsoft Project 2000

For my job I need to teach myself Project. I know only the very rudimentary
things. I can make a Gantt chart.

I now want to mark a date on the chart, a partial completion date.

Could someone please tell me how I can do this. THANKS!!


Hi Gilda

if you mean a "milestone" (ie a date that indicates that a certain amount of
things have been done) - insert a task (insert / new task), type a name, set
the duration to zero and then double click on it ... go to the Predecessor
tab and choose the tasks which must be done for this milestone to be

Also have a look at Mike Glen's series of tutorials on using Project

in addition, try and get on a 2-3 day 'hands-on' project course - project
isn't a easy program to teach yourself.


Steve House [MVP]

What do you mean by "partial completion date?"

A word of advice - don't think in terms of teaching yourself Project. Think
in terms of learning "Project Management Using MS Project." IMO learning
the mechanics of using the software is only a start (and IMHO, a minor part
at that) at learning to actually use it effectively. It does very little
hand-holding and a foundation in the principles of the formal discipline of
Project Management is absolutely essential to using it properly. The best
approach is to take a 2 to 5 day formal training course that would teach
both Project Management theory as well as how MS Project applies that theory
if at all possible. If that just isn't in the cards, at least hit the
bookstore or Amazon and get some good self-study materials. One book I can
recommend is "Microsoft Project Step-by-Step" from Microsoft Press because
it actually deals with using Project to develop and manage projects rather
than just talking about menus and data entry. Another "must have" is the
"Guide to the PMBOK" available from the Project Management Institute, It doesn't even mention MS Project per se but it is the ANSI
standard definition of the art of PM and is an essential reference for
understanding why Project sometimes behaves the way it does.


I agree with the training, but also suggest clicking on Tools, Tracking,
Update Project and enter the date you have worked up to (Update Work as


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