How do I insert a line feed in a formula?



I'm trying to insert a line feed (or carriage return) into a text formula I
have in a cell. I'm trying to concatenate text entered into two other cells
in this new cell and have the two entries on a different line within the same
cell. Anybody know how to do this?

Peo Sjoblom

First you need to turn on word wrap under format>cells>alignment, then use
CHAR(10), i.e.



Peo Sjoblom


Thanks Peo, thats exactly what I needed.

Peo Sjoblom said:
First you need to turn on word wrap under format>cells>alignment, then use
CHAR(10), i.e.



Peo Sjoblom

David McRitchie

Hi Don,
Unfortunately that does not apply to within a formula.

One nice feature of Alt+Enter is that is generates
the necessary wrap lines under Format, Cells, Alignment.

So the poster has to format the column accordingly,
when concatenating CHAR(10), which we assume he knew
because he thanked Peo for the solution.


If you wish to copy and paste the concatenated result into an email body and
not loose the line returns try this.


Good luck.

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