How do I insert a picture into a cell?


Evan Lapka

I'm currently working on a database of employees for my supervisor. I'm
making individual profiles of employees by using the mail-merge feature in
Microsoft word to take the data from the spreadsheet and filter it into word
documents. This part is going wonderfully... BUT, my supervisor told me today
that he wants ID pictures included with each profile. Is there a way for me
to insert a picture into a cell on the spreadsheet so that mail merge will
automatically sort the pictures to the correct files along with the rest of
the data? Any input would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Evan Lapka

yes I tried that, I know how to put pictures into a spreadsheet.... I'm
talking about actually putting them into cells. Maybe you're not aware but
just inserting a picture means that the picture comes in as an object and is
displayed over cells, it's not actually part of a cell. What I want to do is
enter a picture into a cell as though it's data in a cell. Thanks for the
advice though

Gord Dibben

Pictures cannot be inserted into cells.

Check in with one of the Word newsgroups.

I'll hazard a guess someone over there could tell you how to insert a graphics
merge field into a mail merge.

Field codes: IncludePicture field
{ INCLUDEPICTURE "FileName" [Switches ] }
Inserts the specified graphic.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Not sure how this will apply to mail merge, however if you expand the cell
enough to put, say a 1"x1" picture on top of a cell and at the same time
input some data, like a 1 or 2 or a or b also in that cell and at the same
time do the same in other cells, (columns) then that will become "sortable"
and carry the picture with it. (at least it does in 07 version.) Next
then, if the data (profile) is in the same rows as the pictures, the entire
profile is sortable and carries the picture with it. The mail merge part, I
am sure will not do anything with the picture if the intent is to have it
appear on a letter/envelope. As a second method, although somewhat clumsy,
you can insert a hyperlink to point to a picture that would be visable if
you clicked the link. I have saved the file that I worked with in case you
want to have a look at it.

Evan Lapka

Thanks for the advice, I gave it a try, but unfortunately it didn't work in
excel 2003... I took Gord's suggestion and posted on the Word/Mailmerge and
Fax section... thanks for the help though!


Just for the heck of it, I saved the file as a 97-2003 compatible, opened it
up with excel 2000 on my notebook, it works there as well. I did notice
that as long as the "handles" of the image were withing the cell bountries,
it would move on a sort, outside the cell bountries, it would be fixed on
the screen position. The sorting is upon the data entered into the cell
that the picture is 'above', so I guess you could also use the photo persons
name as sort criteria within that cell.

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