How do I insert additional anchor points for Connectors


Irene Themis

I need to add additional anchor points on text boxes available for Connectors.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I don't believe this is possible, but I wish it were, as I have had the same

Irene Themis said:
I need to add additional anchor points on text boxes available for

Irene Themis

Thank you. I suspected as much.

Suzanne S. Barnhill said:
I don't believe this is possible, but I wish it were, as I have had the same


Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Irene,

If I recall you can't add connector points to predefined 'closed' shapes, but you can add points to open end shapes (lines), so you
may be able to 'cheat it' on the closed shapes:)

For example, if you have a rectangle in your diagram that needs additional active connector (blue dot) points,

1. Zoom in your view so you can more easily work with an area.

2. From the drawing toolbar double click on the straight line shape.

3. Draw/place multiple small lines along the border of your rectangle where you need more connector points (hold the shift key while
drawing to keep straight lines).

4. On the drawing toolbar, select the white arrow (select object) icone and 'lasso' (draw a circle around your rectangle & lines
with the tip of the arrow while holding down your left mouse button).

5. You should see multiple items (the rectangle + the lines) highlighted. From the drawing toolbar use Draw=>Group.

6. Select your connector. Each 'line' has two starting connector points, one at each end of the line, so the number of small lines
you added will determine the number and location of additional connector points available.

You can also use a longer straight line, right click on it and use the 'Edit points' feature to add small segments in the line.
Each 'bend' (won't usually be perceptible in printing if done really slighlty) will be come a connector point and you can overlay
that line on a shape border and group it as shown above.

There is a drawback to this in that the connector autorouting sometimes looks a bit 'off' if they are going to be routed in other
than a straight line.

I need to add additional anchor points on text boxes available for Connectors.>>
I hope this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office system products MVP

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