How do I insert attachment file names in the message body ?


C-A Berseth

How can I (automatically or manually) insert the file names of the
attachments into the message body ?
This would be great when deleting large attachments from received messages
for reducing the size of the Inbox !


If the file is in HTML format, with the msg open, click on Edit, Edit
Message. Then click on Format and choose Plain Text, Again, click on Edit,
Edit Message. And again, click on Format and choose Rich Text. This places
the file into the body of the message. You can also type the name of the
attachment in the msg in the event you want to delete the attachment. When
you close the msg, you will be prompted to save the file - say yes. If you
want to return the msg to HTML format, go through the previous steps;
however, the name of the file will remain in the body of the msg. Hope this

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