How do I insert filename and path into the footer of Word 2008?



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Power PC

It used to be easy to insert filename and path into the footer and now it doesn't seem to be possible.


Yeah, it's certainly possible, it's just not as readily available by way of
a handy dandy toolbar button:) But it isn't really difficult...

In the spot where you want the information inserted go to Insert> Field,
select Document Information from the list of categories, select FileName
from the list of field names. That will call the file name only. If you want
the complete path to be included click in the right part of the box that
displays FILENAME and type \p (alternatively you could select the field then
click the Options button, select the Field Specific Switches page & hit the
Add to Field button).

Shawn Larson [MSFT]

Another option available to insert the filename and path of the current
document is inserting the ŒFilename and path¹ AutoText entry.
* Activate the Header or Footer
* Insert, AutoText
* Click ŒFilename and path¹

If you only want the filename, choose the ŒFilename¹ AutoText entry.

Shawn Larson
Mac Word Test
Microsoft MacBU


Hi Sharon,

Thank you. this is so helpful. Now, next question, is there a way to put an "auto-text" icon into the Header and Footer part of the Formating Palette? Or, alternatively, something else in the palette that would provide the needed functionality?

Thanks tons,



The Formatting *Palette* cannot be modified but an AutoCorrect List button
can be added to a built-in or custom toolbar. See Word Help on the topic:

Add or remove buttons or commands from a toolbar or the menu bar

However, there's already an AutoText toolbar you can turn on so why not save
a lot of "beating around the bush" if this is something you need to do on a
routine basis? If you're at all serious in your use of the program...

You should be using templates - put the fields in the templates' footers so
the new docs based on them will be "ready-to-go", otherwise...

Go to Tools> Customize Toolbars & Menus, click the Keyboard button. Then
select AutoText from the Categories list, select Filename and Path from the
list of Commands & assign a keystroke to it (I actually use Control+f). Make
sure to click Add, then OK out. Form then on just key Control+f anytime you
want to insert the requisite field & be done with it - no buttons, no bars,
no muss, no fuss.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Beth Rosengard

Hi Cliff,

(That was Shawn, not Sharon, but who's counting :).)

As for your question, no, you can't add AutoText to the Formatting Palette,
but you can access the function you want from the AutoText Toolbar (View>

NOTE: the entry called AutoText that includes an icon isn't the one you
want. It's the one that's text only. When you look at it in the toolbar,
you'll see that it will change depending on context. When you're in the
main document window, it will say "All entries"; when you have Header &
Footer visible, it will say "Header/Footer".

You could also add this function to a different toolbar. More on
customizing toolbars here:

***Please always reply to the newsgroup!***

Beth Rosengard

Mac Word FAQ: <>
My Site: <>

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