how do I keep a large workbook from losing all formatting upon cl.


Tim C

I have a couple of very large workbooks (12k) with specific page breaks and
print ranges. Upon opening each time there are changes in print formats,
margins, and even formulas lost and replaced with Values. Each time I save I
also lose my hyperlinks to let users go directly to the cell they use to
start the day's business. This is in an attempt to make a workbook adding
monthly values in each sheet x 12 months, and a summary sheet. It is not
overly complex, but the re-formatting is making me look for other solutions.
I would prefer not to have to have a workbook for each month, and then use 12
separate workbooks, one for each month, times four departments, you get the
Any assistance would be appreciated! TC

Dave Peterson

Are you saving the file as a .xls file (Microsoft excel workbook (*.xls))?

It kind of sounds like you're saving as a .CSV (comma separated values).

That kind of file (.csv) is plain text. Formats and formulas are not saved.

I'd do a file|SaveAs and check that bottom box.

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