How do I keep a spreadhseet cell from printing on two pages?


Ryan D

I have pasted a rather long table into word. When I print it, some cells are
half on one page, half on the next page.

How can I keep cells from being split when I print?

Thanks in advance.

Kate G.

Sounds like your table is too wide for your page width (taking into
consideration your margins). Have you tried reducing the size of your
margins (both left & right). If that doesn't do it -- can your reduce the
widths of the columns in your table? If not... then your only other options
are to reduce the font size of the text inside your table so you can reduce
the column widths or wrap the text in the columns... your table will be
longer but could be narrower.

Last suggestion -- if you are working in portrait view -- switch to
landscape. Again -- your table may end up two pages or more -- but it will
be vertical length instead of horizontal length -- which is generally easier
to read (at least for me).

Hope this helps. Maybe others will have other ideas.

Kathryn Groves (not an MVP... but I'm a MOUS! LOL)


Knowing which version of Word would enable me to give you more specific
direction, but you need to access Table Properties > Rows & remove the check
for "Allow row to break across pages" - which you can do for individual rows
or for all rows.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Ryan D

I tried that, the rows still split :-( Word 2003 SP2.

In reference to the other poster, I have a very loooong table (10 + pages in
Word). At some of the page breaks, the top half of a cell is on one page,
while the bottom half of the cell is on the next page. I need to keep the
cells whole.


With your insertion point anywhere in the table & you go to
Table>Select>Table does the entire table get selected - first row to the
very last row?

*If not: Do you see a ¶ below any of the rows? You actually have more than
one table & each one will have to be formatted as below or they will have to
be joined as a single table.

*If so: Then go to Table>Table Properties>Rows, clear the Allow to Break
checkbox (make sure it is *cleared*, not simply grayed)...

This should resolve it unless something about the source you copied or the
manner in which you pasted caused the "half-rows" to be treated as separate
rows. It's impossible to tell without knowing more about the source, but if
it wasn't a true table that's quite possible. Should that be the case it's a
tedious process, but you can select 2 cells at a time (one above the other
where the breaks occur) and use Table>Merge Cells for each pair of cells in
each of the affected rows - don't try to do the complete pair of rows at

It may be faster to repaste as Edit>Paste Special - Unformatted Text, remove
the offending ¶s, use Table>Convert>Text to Table to get it back into a
table form & format as required.

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