How do I keep PowerPoint in Slide Sorter View when Viewing Show?



If you have the solution to my issue, it would be greatly appreciated.

I used to use the Office 97 version of PowerPoint at church with dual
monitors. I had to move my desktop over to the secondary monitor because I
could not select to send the show to the secondary monitor and the show would
always go to the primary monitor. I was okay with that, but would have to
watch what I would open during the service because some things would pop up
on the primary monitor even if I tried to dock it to the secondary monitor. I
used Slide Sorter View to be able to see all of the slides for a song,
especially when there were 10 or 12 slides. When I would click on View Show,
the show would begin on the primary monitor and I was still able to view all
of the slides in Slide Sorter View on the secondary monitor (the view did not
change). Then the church bought a new computer and Office 2003.

Now I can select to send the show to the secondary monitor (no more
unexpected windows popping up on the screen in front). However, I have not
been able to find where the option to keep the PowerPoint edit window, on the
primary monitor, in Slide Sorter View; it always changes from Slide Sorter
View to Normal View when I click on View Show. Even with the thumbnails down
the left side of the screen in Normal View, I am not able to see more than
six slides which makes it difficult when the song director signals verse 4
and I'm trying to determine whether this particular song has 2 slides per
verse or 3 slides per verse. When I was able to see all of the slides at
once, it made the calculation of which slide to put up next much easier.

I am able to go back to Slide Sorter View on the new computer, but it takes
one click to put the focus on the primary monitor, the second click to select
Slide Sorter View, and the third click to resume the focus on the show, being
presented on the secondary monitor, to be able to advance the slides for the

I know three clicks is not very many, but it's just a little irritating
since I didn't have to do this before. I have been unable to find where
Microsoft hid this option (if this is even able to be changed). So, if you
would be able to tell me how to keep Slide Sorter View (seen on the primary
monitor) from changing to Normal View when I select View Show (which presents
on the secondary monitor), I would be most grateful.


John Wilson

Tick show presenter view in slide show> set up show

The thumbnail slides will then scroll up as the show progresses.


I am not able to see more than five or six slides which makes it difficult
when the song director signals verse 4 and I'm trying to determine whether
this particular song has 2 slides per verse or 3 slides per verse. When I was
able to see all of the slides at once, it made the calculation of which slide
to put up next much easier.


For instance, if a song has 15 slides and the verses are 3 slides each, if
the congregation is singing verse 1 and the song director signals to go to
verse 4, I need to go to slide 10. If I can only see 5 or 6 slides, I have a
difficult time determining which slide needs to go up next or how many slides
there are per verse, but if I can see all 15 slides, in Slide Sorter View, I
can determine that each verse has 3 slides and that I need to go to slide 10
very easily.


So, let me know if I understand this correctly. I used to use Office 97 and
the Slide Sorter View would not change while the show was being presented
(Note: the view did not change, the show went to the other monitor and Slide
Sorter View remained on its monitor). But now I have Office 2003 and to get
the same functionality I used to have, I need to spend $99.95, is that the
conclusion you are guiding me to?


Deep breath, Clark ...:)

In the slide show>set up show dialoge box, there's an option in the third
box down on the right hand side to set up for multiple monitors, which may
well be what you're looking for.

Hope this helps.




I've been using dual monitors for several years now. That is not my problem.
Let's all focus on the problem being that Slide Sorter View changes to Normal
View on monitor 1 while the show is being presented to monitor 2. I want for
PowerPoint to stay in Slide Sorter View, that is I don't want it
automatically changing to Normal View. I don't know how I can make the issue
any clearer than I have described.



I recognise that you've been using dual monitors for years, Clark ... and
I'm doing my best to help you, so try and be patient with me.

Yes, I see what your problem is ... and a quick and dirty method is to bring
the outline view forward, which will give you a view of the contents of 9
or so slides. Not satisfactory, I know.

I wonder if you have "show presenter view" active in the setup slide show
dialogue ?


Austin Myers

Clark said:
So, let me know if I understand this correctly. I used to use Office 97
the Slide Sorter View would not change while the show was being presented
(Note: the view did not change, the show went to the other monitor and
Sorter View remained on its monitor). But now I have Office 2003 and to
the same functionality I used to have, I need to spend $99.95, is that the
conclusion you are guiding me to?

Umm, you could write your own macroI suppose. <g>

Look Clark, you asked a question and several prople are trying to help. To
my knowledge no one is guiding you to anything, simply presenting you with
various options. Yes I know you want PowerPoint to work differently than it
does. That is why you can write marcos, or let someone else do the coding
and pay them for it. <g>

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

Provider of PFCMedia

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