How do I keep text together on the page?



There seems to be no help file with Word 2007. Wothout it the thing is a
disaster. Where do I find an indexed help file?

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

I think Word 2002 was the last version of Word that had a help file
Index tab. You can click on the ? button near the upper right corner of
the Word window to access the Word 2007 help file.


Word 2007 has a very good help feature so yours must be broken. What happens
when you click on the small question mark? You also need to be connected to
the Internet as it gets most of the info from the net (could be all...I'm
not sure). MS did away with the separate help file, if that is what you are
looking for. But I seem to remember reading something a while ago about one
being available...but I could be wrong as I didn't pay much attention to it.



Oh...forgot to ask...your subject line and the question in the message
window are different. Were you seeking an answer on how to keep text
together in addition to your Help file question? If so, you'll need to
provide more detail to get a meaningful response.


Herb Tyson [MVP]

Microsoft did NOT do away with the separate help file. There's always been
local help in every version of Word. Word 2007 is no different. After
pressing F1, click the bottom right of the help window where it says
"Connected to Office Online" and select "Show content only from this

The question in this case, however, is whether Help is working on Rod's
computer. If not, then I suggest that he do a repair (Office button - Word
Options - Resources tab - Diagnose).

Herb Tyson [MVP]

And... to try to answer the question in the subject line. There are several
settings that affect this, found mostly in the Paragraph dialog box. In the
Home ribbon tab, click the Paragraph launcher (lower right corner of the
Paragraph section.

In the Line and Page Breaks tab, observe the Keep with next and Keep lines
together options.

Herb Tyson MS MVP
Author of the Word 2007 Bible

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