How do I letter merge when my contact has more than 1 product to .


Ken Odle

I have a letter for price increases... I have my data in an access data
file... I need to merge the information into this letter... The problem is
each customer has more than one line in the datafile... one line per
product.. This data was brought into access from Solomon Busniess Solutions..
Im looking to put each product into the letter with the increased price..
Everytime I try the merge it makes a new letter for each product. How do I
put them all on one letter? Thank you bery much

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Best way is to use a report in Access in which the introduction to the
letter and the addressee are in a group header, the items are in the detail
section and the closure to the letter is in a group footer.

Word does not really have the ability to do this, but:

See the "Group Multiple items for a single condition" item on fellow MVP
Cindy Meister's website at

Or take a look at the following Knowledge Base Article;en-us;211303

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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