How do I limit the number of rows in an Excel worksheet.



Rather than over 65,000 rows being available when I open a new worksheet, how
can I limit the number of rows to, say, 200 without having to highlight rows
200 through 65,000 and hide them?

Gord Dibben

You cannot do away with the unused rows or columns. A worksheet has 256
columns and 65536 rows.

You can hide the rows and columns you don't want to see.
Select them and Format>Hide.

You already knew that<g>

Alternative.........You may want to try setting the Scroll Area.

This setting will not remain after closing the file.
Place a code line in the Workbook open event to set it
each time when you open the workbook.

Right-click on the Excel Logo left of your "File" on menu. Select "View Code"
and paste the following in there. Save the workbook and close/re-open to see
the scrollarea fixed to the range A1:Y200

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Sheets("Sheet1").ScrollArea = "A1:Y200"
End Sub

Adjust to your sheetname and range.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

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