How do I link a large group of files to a word document?


Steve Mihaly

I am generating some postscript files that I would like to collate in Word. I
would like them to be linked so that if they are update or regenerated, the
update will be in the word document. It is not feasible to use the incredible
amount of mouse clicks that is needed to link a single file. Is there access
to a link file for word or is there a way to use a macro to do this?

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?U3RldmUgTWloYWx5?=,
I am generating some postscript files that I would like to collate in Word. I
would like them to be linked so that if they are update or regenerated, the
update will be in the word document. It is not feasible to use the incredible
amount of mouse clicks that is needed to link a single file. Is there access
to a link file for word or is there a way to use a macro to do this?
Usually, Word maintains file links using a field of one kind or another. Press
Alt+F9 and you should see the field codes. You can copy/paste a field code and
alter the path. Or you can create a macro to generate the field code directly,
rather than using Word's interface.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Steve Mihaly

Cindy M -WordMVP- said:
Hi =?Utf-8?B?U3RldmUgTWloYWx5?=,

Usually, Word maintains file links using a field of one kind or another. Press
Alt+F9 and you should see the field codes. You can copy/paste a field code and
alter the path. Or you can create a macro to generate the field code directly,
rather than using Word's interface.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

OK, now I need to figure out how to write the macro, is there some on-line source/manual for writing macros in word? and/or how do you write the macro for this?

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Steve,

The "macro" newsgroup is word.vba.general. The basic file syntax to create a field is

ActiveDocument.Fields.Add _
Range:=Selection.Range, _
Text:="string value" 'copy the content of a typical field, then modify
PreserveFormatting:= true 'or false, depends on the desired behavior

I can't be more specific than that because I still have no idea what kind of field code you need to generate.
OK, now I need to figure out how to write the macro, is there some on-line source/manual for writing macros in word? and/or how do you write the macro for this?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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