I need to enter data in different forms - thus several sheets with the same
information but sorted differently on each sheet. Is there a way to link
each sheet so that if I make changes to one row on one sheet (or the main
sheet), it will change it on all the other sheets in the same row?
Ex. - cow number 23 needs a due date, calving date, etc. - main sheet is
sorted by cow number to look up faster but if I change cow 23's due date on
the main sheet, I want it to change it on the "sort by due date" sheet as
information but sorted differently on each sheet. Is there a way to link
each sheet so that if I make changes to one row on one sheet (or the main
sheet), it will change it on all the other sheets in the same row?
Ex. - cow number 23 needs a due date, calving date, etc. - main sheet is
sorted by cow number to look up faster but if I change cow 23's due date on
the main sheet, I want it to change it on the "sort by due date" sheet as