How do I link to and import specific data from other workbook.



I have a database data dump titled "Export_Requests.csv" This is exported
from a user database on a daily basis. I have a Workbook titled "Monitor.xls
" with a Workbook_Open event which opens and hides Export_Requests.csv the
same time as Monitor.xls opens, thereby allowing the data to be updated.

Export_Requests.csv is currently 2,698 rows by 66 columns and it takes about
ten seconds each time I change a cell for the sheet to calculate and
regenerate. I want to use the data to monitor contracts and therefore
autofilter the data down acorrding to each contract. I would prefer to have
separate books for each contract to keep the filesize to a minimum.

I need to import only data from the other columns in Export_Requests.csv
where the value in Column Z = "Contract A" etc., and I can create separate
workbooks for the various contracts A, B, C etc., this should keep the size
to a minimum and allow me to add additional columns with contract specific IF

I currently use defined names to link and import the data from one workbook
to the other:
For example "ProjectName"
is a named range in Monitor.xls which selects all the populated cells in
Column C of Export_Requests.

In A1 of Monitor.xls I add the formula =Projectname and drag the list down
to link to and populate the column with all the Project Names from Export
Requests. I can even add an IFERROR and drag the row down further to include
for future additions as the database grows.

Is there away to define a range of cells in column C, selecting only cells
of each row where the value in column Z is "Contract A" ?

Kind Regards

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