how do i locate a saved attachment...



I received a Word document by email attachment into my Earthlink email
box (sorry but this doesn't involve the Outlook mail account...) - I
opened & made changes - instead of going to File & Save As, I made a
dummy move & just pressed the save (disk) icon & closed it before I
realized what I had done - now I can't locate the file anywhere. Any
clues into how I would go about finding this file? Help would be much
appreciated. Thanks.

Kirrin Jones

Well, I would hazard a guess that you could try opening the e-mail and
opening the attachment again and see if you get back your document. When
using Outlook and you do that, Outlook will open back the attachment
from the saved location, so lets hope that you are lucky and get the
same response.

Brian Tillman

I received a Word document by email attachment into my Earthlink email
box (sorry but this doesn't involve the Outlook mail account...) - I
opened & made changes - instead of going to File & Save As, I made a
dummy move & just pressed the save (disk) icon & closed it before I
realized what I had done - now I can't locate the file anywhere. Any
clues into how I would go about finding this file? Help would be much
appreciated. Thanks.

That all depends on where the Earthlink mail client opens is attachments.
Ask Earthlink support. It' not an Outlook issue and you shouldn't be asking
it in an Outlook newsgroup.

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