Ok, there are several ways to do what you want (whatever that is!).
(1) If all you want to do, is to lock your program code against other
people changing it, just convert the database to MDE format. Look up
"MDE" in F1 Help.
(2) If you want to assign a simple password, so a person has to enter
that password before they can open the database, you just need a
"database password". Look up that term (or similar) in F1 help.
(3) If you want a sophisticated security system, where different people
have different levels of access to your database, you need to do one of
two things:
(a) Program your own scheme for that. But your own scheme has no
hope of being as safe as option (b).
(b) Use Access "User Level Security". This is a powerful, but very
complex, feature. Look for the "Access Security FAQ", often referenced
in this newsgroup. Plan to spend at least a few weeks - or probably
months - to learn the basics of this feature.
TC (MVP Access)