How do I lock pictures to keep them from being copied?



I am trying to send a document to a client, using images that I want him to
be able to see, but not access or copy to his own desktop. Is there a way to
lock these images / pictures so that he does not have access to copy them?
I am using Office 2003

Keith Howell

Put a very light grey transparent message all across the picture such as "not
for copying" before you send it


Is there no way to lock it down in the header or footer? Would that work?
I'd rather not put anything in front of it.


No, there is no way to do it. Anything that the user can display can be
copied, saved, edited, and pirated, etc. You can inhibit an unsophisticated
user by converting the document to PDF and locking the document for
selection. But this also is easily defeated by anyone keen to do so.

Put a copyright notice in the document.

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