How do I make 1 = "yes"?



I have looked all over and have to finish this report asap. Help is not
helping. How do I format a cell to return a word when I input a number? For
example, "2" = "Not enough info" or "0" = "No"?
Thanks -
Excel newbie

Niek Otten

There is this ancient Format feature where you can specify up to 3 conditions plus an Else branch.

Format>Cells>Number tab, Custom. In the Type box, enter something like

[=1]"yes";[=2]"Not enough info";"no"

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

|I have looked all over and have to finish this report asap. Help is not
| helping. How do I format a cell to return a word when I input a number? For
| example, "2" = "Not enough info" or "0" = "No"?
| Thanks -
| Excel newbie


That's very cool Nick, and certainly a keeper. It does exactly what the OP
asks for, however, it will also return a "no" for any other number besides 0,
1, or2 in my XL97. Is there a way to change it to allow the other numbers to
show as typed?

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Niek Otten

Hi Chuck,

Not that I know of, at least not with 3 other conditions.
Normally the format code is divided into three zones: one each for positive, negative, zero, text.
But if you use it for self-defined conditions, I have not found a way to have 3 conditions and an ELSE branch.

Maybe someone else?

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

| That's very cool Nick, and certainly a keeper. It does exactly what the OP
| asks for, however, it will also return a "no" for any other number besides 0,
| 1, or2 in my XL97. Is there a way to change it to allow the other numbers to
| show as typed?
| Vaya con Dios,
| Chuck, CABGx3
| "Niek Otten" wrote:
| > There is this ancient Format feature where you can specify up to 3 conditions plus an Else branch.
| >
| > Format>Cells>Number tab, Custom. In the Type box, enter something like
| >
| > [=1]"yes";[=2]"Not enough info";"no"
| >
| > --
| > Kind regards,
| >
| > Niek Otten
| > Microsoft MVP - Excel
| >
| >
| > |I have looked all over and have to finish this report asap. Help is not
| > | helping. How do I format a cell to return a word when I input a number? For
| > | example, "2" = "Not enough info" or "0" = "No"?
| > | Thanks -
| > | Excel newbie
| >
| >
| >

Niek Otten

<into three zones>

Four, of course
Sorry about that

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

| Hi Chuck,
| Not that I know of, at least not with 3 other conditions.
| Normally the format code is divided into three zones: one each for positive, negative, zero, text.
| But if you use it for self-defined conditions, I have not found a way to have 3 conditions and an ELSE branch.
| Maybe someone else?
| --
| Kind regards,
| Niek Otten
| Microsoft MVP - Excel
|| That's very cool Nick, and certainly a keeper. It does exactly what the OP
|| asks for, however, it will also return a "no" for any other number besides 0,
|| 1, or2 in my XL97. Is there a way to change it to allow the other numbers to
|| show as typed?
|| Vaya con Dios,
|| Chuck, CABGx3
|| "Niek Otten" wrote:
|| > There is this ancient Format feature where you can specify up to 3 conditions plus an Else branch.
|| >
|| > Format>Cells>Number tab, Custom. In the Type box, enter something like
|| >
|| > [=1]"yes";[=2]"Not enough info";"no"
|| >
|| > --
|| > Kind regards,
|| >
|| > Niek Otten
|| > Microsoft MVP - Excel
|| >
|| >
| || > |I have looked all over and have to finish this report asap. Help is not
|| > | helping. How do I format a cell to return a word when I input a number? For
|| > | example, "2" = "Not enough info" or "0" = "No"?
|| > | Thanks -
|| > | Excel newbie
|| >
|| >
|| >


Thanks for the comeback Nick......I couldn't figure out how to do it and
thought it was just me..........I'm struggling now trying to do it with code,
but not having much luck at that either.....

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


Try this:
your resonse in cell C5, the formula in D5.
1 "IF($C$5=1,"YES",IF($C$5=2,"Not enogh info","NO"))

In the above example:
1 = YES, 2 = Not enough info, any other answer=NO
Good luck :)

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