How do I make a button stay "highlighted"?


Thrill Media

Hey! I built a photo site for my wife...
(if it helps) and I am trying to get the navigation buttons at the bottom to
stay highlighted when they are clicked. I used the interactive button in
FP2003 and then replaced the images created with my own images. At any rate
I would like the button to stay the way it is when "mousedown" until you
navigate to another page on the site. Their are "swapimages" on each of the
pages so I don't know if that will cause problems or not. Any help? I am
new to this stuff you know! :)

Steve Easton

I'm a little confused, ( which is not hard to do ) when you click the "button" you won't know if it
stays "highlighted" or not because the new page opens.!!!

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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Thrill Media

Well for example, if you click on "Documentary" I would like the text in the
button to stay black and the color of the button to stay the lighter color,
which is the mousedown state until you select another category from the nav
bar. That way the user knows that they are in the "Documentary" section
until they move on.

At present when you click it it just goes back to the original button and
the user may not know which section they are in. Does that help make sense?
Thanks Steve!


Thomas A. Rowe

You would have to manage the navigation on the individual page manually (not via includes or shared
borders), where you would replace the image with the one you want.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Consider this -

I have the following CSS on the page:

#page1 a.button1, #page2 a.button2, #page3 a.button3 { highlighted styles }

along with the following HTML:

<a href="page1.html" class="button1"...>
<a href="page2.html" class="button2"...>
<a href="page3.html" class="button3"...>

If I then assign an ID of "page1" to the body tag on the page that is (in
fact) page1.html, that button will be shown in the 'highlighted" state, and
only that button. If I assign an ID of "page2" to the body tag on the page
that is page2.html, then the button linking to that page will be
highlighted, and only that button.


Thrill Media

Thanks Guys!
I kinda follow...well at least I understand the concept...guess I still need
to delve into the code some more, something I have been avoiding up to this
point. I will look at what I have and see if this can be integrated.

I appreciate it!


Good luck!


Thrill Media said:
Thanks Guys!
I kinda follow...well at least I understand the concept...guess I still
to delve into the code some more, something I have been avoiding up to
point. I will look at what I have and see if this can be integrated.

I appreciate it!

Thomas A. Rowe

Yep, that another way to accomplish.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


It's quite a nice way, actually. A single change to the body tag can
trigger all manner of styles cascading into the page.

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