how do i make a glossary



There has to be a easy'r way to make a glossary? I have over three hundred
definitions to list and sort that don't get entered in order? And over 500
definitions to list and order there has to be some sort of... How to make a
dictionary or encyclopedia program that I can print.
thanks chris...the suggestion to use hyperlinks and a suggestion to use the
TOA are great but just don't provide the pharsing support I need? nevermind
the fact they are unweildly to use

Daiya Mitchell

Depends on what you want, which you haven't explained. If you describe your
desired end result--and state your version of Word!--someone might be able
to help you get there. Note that while glossaries are more or less
equivalent to very small and limited dictionaries, encyclopedias are totally
different and the necessary techniques may not be the same. Please be clear
which type of reference you are trying to create, and how you want people to
be able to use it.

If you just want to get the entries in alphabetical order, assuming each one
is a paragraph, use Table | Sort (and no, it doesn't have to be in a table
to use Sort).

What do you mean by "pharsing support"?

And this page might already have your solution:


Thanks Daiya, I'm making a science book, full of definitions that need
further defining: full of terms and concepts, so a glossary section is a big
must and the ability to sort thru it. Stuff isn't always in paragraph form
esp when it's entered. I tend to cut and past and considering the volume of
material something that would alow me to cut out a definition, tag it with a
key word, hyperlink it, and then place it in order,using that key word by
alpha sort, in a glossary would be a huge time saver as I write. One note
just dosn't have the sort and print ability, database programs just don't
have the word manipulation features word has, and most card and note programs
are difficult to intergrate. Thanks again


Ok that's a great temporary soulution...copy and paste out of body of text,
add links and then sort via table | sort. Enter bookmark's / links where
nessesary. 2nd .doc for glossary... append it at end.

( Sombody please make a glossary command I have over 700 items to list.)
this would be a great feature for one note as well, you could print out your
notes kind of a dictionary to study by... think of this... you highlight a
word.... click on the glossary button...window pops up....paste definition/
select print? And out pops an alphbetical
topic list, of all the important stuff you want.

Daiya Mitchell

Ah, I see. Right. I'm pretty sure it would be functionally possible to
create this as an add-in, but apparently no one has (kinda surprises me,
actually). You can post a Suggestion to MS, though I doubt they would
consider it a profitable feature to add.

If you think it will be worth the time and trouble to learn some VBA and
create your own macros to do it, you could ask in a newsgroup with Word and
Programming or Word and VBA in the name. Look at the ShaunaKelly link, and
consider your own end result to get a sense of what the process might be,
then ask the VBA gurus in another group how to go about automating it.

Hard to tell whether this might meet your needs, if still compatible with
current versions of Word.

Start here to make a Suggestion, requires Passport:



I, too, face the task of creating a glossary from terms in a software
program. I will be creating the definitions a as I go along. the terms will
not be entered in alphabeitcal order.

At some point, the terms will need to be alphabetized.

How do I create the list so that it can be alphabeitzed in the future?

It seems that I need to create a Table consisting of just one column and a
large number of rows. Then, I would enter each term into a cell of the Table.

Within the cell, it looks like I would then hit "return" or "enter" and
begin typing the definition, thus separating the term and definition by a

It looks like I could then Sort the table by the terms. Each term and its
definition are in separate cells--"Sort" would then alphabeitize the cells (?)

But, you say you can "Sort" without putting the terms into a Table. True?
How would this work?

Daiya Mitchell

You don't need to bother with a table. To be able to use Table | Sort, it
doesn't need to be a table.

You do need to make sure that each and every paragraph starts with a Term.
Then when you alphabetically sort the paragraphs, it will sort by term.

So, for example:

Term: definition¶
Term: definition¶
Term: definition¶

Will sort perfectly fine. (¶ stands for paragraph mark, hitting enter)

If you have any especially long definitions that would ordinarily need more
than one paragraph, instead of hitting enter, use a manual line break. Then
it will still all be one paragraph and will sort with the Term.


Has an add-on or feature been added to Word 2007 or 2003 that addresses
glossary creatation via a concadance file like building an Index but without
page numbers?


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