how do i make a sub datasheet act as a list box



I am trying to create a form that uses a subform datasheet as a selection
tool to control which record is displayed in another subformon this form.

John W. Vinson

I am trying to create a form that uses a subform datasheet as a selection
tool to control which record is displayed in another subformon this form.

One way you may be able to do this is to use a "relay" control on the
mainform. Put a textbox on the mainform, height and width 0 so you can't see
it; set its control source to


to pick up the Primary Key field that you need as the link.

Make this textbox the Master Link Field of the second subform.

Chegu Tom

I asked just that question on May first and got answers that helped
Check the responses to my post 'Record source on Subform'

I have a main form with a control that links the first subform which is in
datasheet view
On the on current event of that form I create the SQL for the record source
of the third form

on the on current event of the second form I put code to build an SQL string
strSQL from info on form two and use that to change the record source in
form 3

Dim strSQL, strCriteria As String
strSQL = "SELECT NDEWelds.ProjectID, NDEWelds.Spool, NDEWelds.TaskCode,
NDEWelds.WeldLetter, NDEWelds.Needed, NDEWelds.Done, NDEWelds.NDEPerformed,
NDEWelds.NDEDate, NDEWelds.Weld, NDEWelds.Visual, NDEWelds.VisualDate " _
& "FROM NDEWelds " _
& "WHERE Projectid='" & Me.ProjectID & "' AND Spool ='" & Me.Spool & "'"
& "ORDER BY NDEWelds.ProjectID, NDEWelds.Spool, NDEWelds.WeldLetter "

Me.Parent.NDEWeld.Form.RecordSource = strSQL

NDEWeld is the name of the third form (second subform)

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