how do i make a visual basic function calculate every cycle?



how do i make a visual basic function calculate every cycle? I am
constructing a visual basic function in Excell that returns a result using
only clock input, that is NOT DEPENDENT upon cell data. Normal functions
calculate only when inputs change; There are no inputs; so it calculates once
and never again.


Are you using a function or a subroutine? The reason I'm asking is a
function can't write to the worksheet (only read). If you are using a
subroutine simply have the macro write to a cell in the worksheet. make sure
events arre enabled.


I am constructing a Public Function that will be activated within a cell
("=gTime()"). I want the cell to be re-Calculated on every screen update.
The function will return a value which is the specially computed elapsed time.


If not familar with what you are doing. Is it possible to run a sub with the
timer rather than a function? Have the sub everytime the timer expires to
write the time to the worksheet. Then everything will get recalulated.



The "Now()" parameter will cause a recalculation every time the sheet is
recalculated (but not on every "screen update").

It's not too clear what you mean by "every cycle" - cycle of what ?


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