How do I make an Access form requiry itself every 30 seconds?



Hello. I've set this setting before, I think - or else I coded it that way.
Anyway, I need a form to requiry its query/source every 30 secods to see if
any new records were added in the last 30 seconds. The background is this:
one user enters that someone has arrived at the front desk. Another user in
the back office wants to know who has arrived for their appointments.
Sounding a chime when they arrive/a new record is added would be nice, too.
Thanks in advance.

missinglinq via

Requerying the form automatically takes the user back to the first record.
Even if you write code to bookmark the current record before the requery and
return to that record, requerying every 30 seconds isn't going allow time to
do much else with the database, including entering when a new appointment
arrrives. It would make more sense, to me, to either place a comand button on
the form so the user can requery before they check on arrivals, or better yet,
requery each time after an new arrival is entered.

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

Yes, requerying will cause user to go back to first record. That may or may
not be a problem with the form, depending upon its design and purpose.

For example, a form that is "read only", and that is filtered to show
records in reverse chronological order, and that are at most x minutes old
(older records are not shown) would be a fine form for using a timer event
and a requery action.

missinglinq via

And, of course, having the receptionist pick up the phone and saying "Mr.
SoandSo is here for his appointment" would probably take less time and be
more effecient!

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