How do I make AutoSum really Sum, not Subtotal



Since the upgrade to Office07 (yuck), pushing the AutoSum button, or Alt+=
gives me a SUBTOTAL() function instead of SUM. Of course I can manually type
the SUM formula, but that isn't the point. I'm trying to sum a few general
ledger journal entries to validate that they equal zero, and am now getting
totals because it isn't summing the whole, but the SUBTOTAL pieces only - and
who needs normally? Anyway, other than re-mapping my keyboard shortcut, or
manually typing SUM(), is there any way to direct AutoSum to really do a
AutoSum, not a SUBTOTAL?


I could not replicate what you mentioned.

I entered some numbers in A1:A10, selected the range and clicked on Auto Sum
button and got =SUM(A1:A10). Same result with Alt-=.

I also inserted Subtotals and tried the above. I again got Sum and not

Perhaps if you can describe the steps you are taking...

Peo Sjoblom

If you have a filter applied then it will automatically select subtotal
instead of sum since subtotal ignores filtered rows
whereas sum will sum all rows



Peo Sjoblom


No filters. I have two journals that have negative sum of the numbers above
each one respectively as the opposing entry, and all nets to zero in total.
However, if I want to show a total row beneath all Excel is subtotaling the 2
individual summed totals above rather than summing the total of all the
lines, which you need to do to proof out journal entries on the ledger.

When I tried AutoSum, or even Alt+=, both insert SUBTOTAL beneath each
individual JE, rather than SUM(). When I hit AutoSum, I expect a SUM()
formula, not SUBTOTAL(), which is what I'm getting, which is what it used to
do. If I manually type SUM(), then everything works fine, but I just want to
change AutoSum to be the SUM() formula because in financial applications you
use SUM() way more than you do SUBTOTAL(). Any ideas?

Peo Sjoblom

I can't reproduce this on my 2007 unless I apply a filter.
When I do alt + = it sums and when I click the autosum icon it sums.

Btw, how does your subtotal formula look. If it is SUBTOTAL(9,Range)
then it is the equivalent of SUM(Range).



Peo Sjoblom


Yep, that is exactly what it is doing. When I select either AutoSum method
instead of Excel inserting a Sum() formula it is inserting a Subtotal()
formula, which I don't want. I've not typically had it do this. Now, the
original file has been saved as an Office07 file, but was downloaded from
BusinessObjects as a .xls file, though I'd not think that should have
anything to do with this. When I go to other files I'm getting the correct
Sum() formula, so perhaps it does?

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