How do I make multiple choice questions with a,b,c,d, in circles?



I am a fifth grade teacher, making multiple choice questions for my students.
I would like them to be able to bubble the answers on their sheets to help
them practice for their scantron tests. I need to know how to make the
letters for the choices in circles, instead of with a period or parentheses.
I am using Word. Thanks!!


Suzanne S. Barnhill

The Enclosed Alphanumerics character subset of large Unicode fonts such as
Arial Unicode MS contains both A,B,C,D and a,b,c,d in circles. Although you
could use these, you would not be able to use auto numbering for answers;
you'd have to insert the characters manually (you can assign shortcut keys
to them, however). You might find it equally satisfactory to use (a), (b),
(c), (d) and let the students fill the implied circles thus created.

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