how do I make my pictures load faster



Im writing asking you for help, I figured that beating my head agaist
the wall wasn't improving my situation. The problem is that in my website I
made a page that contained a whack of pictures. The page loads a bit slow
but thats due to the size of the graphics. My problem is that when I right
click on the images they don't give me the option for saving the picture.
Eventually I would like to make it so the user could click on the picture and
have the picture appear in a popup window. Im afraid with the current state
of my pictures I don't think I can do this. My web site address is

thanks in advance for any help you can give me


Optimize your images for the web using an image editor before you insert
them into your Pub file, and read the article: Compress your images in
v.2003 SP1 for a faster loading web site

Publisher 2003 websites have the right click option disabled, which slows
down, but does not prevent folks from copying your images. However this will
not prevent you from adding a link from your smaller images to larger
images, which then requires only a left click.

Q. When I right-click images on my v.2003 web page I cannot "save as
picture" the image.
A. The VML technology used by version 2003 and the Internet Explorer
browser turns off the save as picture function. Other browsers not
supporting VML should let you do it.


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