how do I make note containers not appear?



Suddenly, note containers began appearing as I handwrite notes...I"ve
unchecked the option, have restarted, rebooted...all to no avail....Is there
anything I can do beyond making them very light so they are harder to see?

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Suddenly, note containers began appearing as I handwrite notes...I"ve
unchecked the option, have restarted, rebooted...all to no avail....Is
anything I can do beyond making them very light so they are harder to

Not in the current version, no.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:


Your answer implies that this problem will be sovled in a later
version...does that imply that you know it will or hope it will?
Do you know why there is a radio button to turn on note containers if they
are always on regardless of the button setting?
and what does MVP mean anyhow?

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Your answer implies that this problem will be sovled in a later
version...does that imply that you know it will or hope it will?

Just means that I know the development team has heard this feedback before
and they may come up with a solution in a future version. Unfortunately
I'm under a non-disclosure agreement which means that even if I do know
about features in the next version(s) I'm not allowed to talk about them
until they've been officially announced.
Do you know why there is a radio button to turn on note containers if
they are always on regardless of the button setting?

Hmmm...I guess I should have tested this before I responded
but....unchecking that DOES turn the note containers off for me. Are you
using SP1 of OneNote?

and what does MVP mean anyhow?


Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:


By note container do you mean "writing guide"? The shaded box that appears
after you have written some text?

If so, you can toggle "View->Show Ink Groups" to show or hide the writing

BEWARE: if you turn them off, then handwritting is grouped differently. With
"Show Ink Groups" turned on, subsequent lines of handwritting (if they are
close enough to the previous line) are grouped with the previous line for the
purpose of moving and converting to text. If "Show Ink Groups" is turned off,
each line is independent.

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