How do I make text fade in AND out smoothly



I am using PT 2003 and have several (30) text phrases to apear on a slide,
but one at a time, remain on screen for a while and then fade out. No more
than 3 or 4 text boxes should ever be on screen at a time. I want the fade
out to be as smooth as the fade in. How do I do it in custom animation?

John Wilson

Use the entrance animation "fade" to fade in and the exit animation "fade" to
fade out.

If youre working with text placehoders you may need to expand the animation
(little double arrow below the entry) and drag the order to get what you want.

Did that answer the question / help?
John Wilson
Microsoft Certified Office Specialist


What John said. And to have it remain on the slide for a while before it
fades out, here's what you can do.
First, add entrance fade and exit fade onto the textbox.
Set both effects to Start: "After Previous".
Double click on the exit fade effect and click on the Timing tab.
Adjust the delay. The higher the delay, the longer the text will stay on the
slide before fading out.
Click ok to apply the change.
Shawn Toh (tohlz)
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP PowerPoint)

Site Updated: Sep 01, 2006
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