I have quite a few photos on our web page. (They currently won't load but
I'm hoping someone will tell me how to fix that). I also want to know how to
make it so that the photos can be clicked on and then they will enlarge to a
larger size. I've seen this on other web sites.
I also want to know how to "imbed" or put PDF files onto our web page. I
have some newsletters I've done in years past and can print them as a pdf
file and then folks could print them easily. Please tell me how to link or
put these PDF files on the web pages.
I'm hoping someone will tell me how to fix that). I also want to know how to
make it so that the photos can be clicked on and then they will enlarge to a
larger size. I've seen this on other web sites.
I also want to know how to "imbed" or put PDF files onto our web page. I
have some newsletters I've done in years past and can print them as a pdf
file and then folks could print them easily. Please tell me how to link or
put these PDF files on the web pages.