how do I make word not capitilize the first word in a line



when I am typing in a word document, the computer automatically makes the
first word in a new line capitilized. how do I turn this feature off?


goose said:
when I am typing in a word document, the computer automatically makes
first word in a new line capitilized. how do I turn this feature off?

Um, it's a *Word* option. The users over in the *Word* group would
know. If you are asking how to change behavior in Outlook, that feature
isn't there in OL2002 and before but might be in OL2003 and later. You
didn't mention WHICH version of Outlook that you are using, but then you
also asked about using *Word* in an Outlook group.


If you were talking about typing in the body of an email, go to Options,
Spelling, AutoCorrect Options and uncheck Capitalize First letter of
Sentence. Depending on what Oulook version you are using, it might be in a
different spot but I'm pretty sure you need to find AutoCorrect Options.

Milly Staples - MVP Outlook

Use Word-wrapping and stop hitting enter at the end of your lines.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, goose asked:

| when I am typing in a word document, the computer automatically makes
| the first word in a new line capitilized. how do I turn this feature
| off?


Or use a soft enter (Shift + Enter keyboard combo)

ps - it works a treat in bullet points/paragraph numbering structures
without having to invoke double line spacing too :)

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