How do I make Word remember where the last document was saved?



I am trying to save several files in the same location. However, each time I
try to save a document, it goes back to My Computer, and I have to navigate
to the folder I want to save my documents in. Is there a way for word to
remember and show the last location straight away, when saving multiple files
in the same location.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Ordinarily Word does do this, at least within a given Word session. If you
start Word fresh for each document, it will default to the folder you have
specified for "Documents" on the File Locations tab of Tools | Options. You
can change this path, and you can also add specific folders in current use
to the Places Bar in the Open and Save dialogs.


Here are some Macro's for Word 2010 that allows it to Remember the
Location you Saved to or Opened a Document From.

The code is not 100% Optimized, but does work as expected ...

Has not been tested with Word 2007 ...

Add these Macro's to your Normal.dotm

-------------------- Start of Macro's-------------------

Sub FileOpen()

FilePath (wdDialogFileOpen)

End Sub

Sub FileSave()

FilePath ("Save")

End Sub

Sub FileSaveAs()

FilePath (wdDialogFileSaveAs)

End Sub

Function FilePath(iDialog)
Dim MyString As String
uProfile = Environ("USERPROFILE")

If FileOrDirExists(uProfile & "\FilePath.txt") Then
Else: GoTo SkipInput
End If

Open uProfile & "\FilePath.txt" For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, MyString
Close #1

ChangeFileOpenDirectory MyString

If iDialog = "Save" Then
Set nDialog = Dialogs(iDialog)
On Error Resume Next
With nDialog
End With
On Error GoTo 0
End If

Open uProfile & "\FilePath.txt" For Output As #2
Write #2, CurDir()
Close #2

End Function

Function FileOrDirExists(PathName As String) As Boolean
Dim iTemp As Integer

On Error Resume Next
iTemp = GetAttr(PathName)

Select Case Err.Number
Case Is = 0
FileOrDirExists = True
Case Else
FileOrDirExists = False
End Select

On Error GoTo 0
End Function

-------------------- End of Macro's -------------------

I am trying to save several files in the same location. However, each
time I
try to save a document, it goes back to My Computer, and I have to navigate
to the folder I want to save my documents in. Is there a way for word to
remember and show the last location straight away, when saving multiple files
in the same location.

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