How do I make worksheet2 = to worksheet1?



Suppose I have 10 columns of data in worksheet1. I need worksheet2 to display
columns A, B, and C from worksheet1. How do I do this if worksheet1 is not
static (i.e. rows are constantly deleted and added in worksheet1)? Is there
any way I can do this without maintaining/updating worksheet2?

I've tried to put "=Sheet1!A1" in cell A1 of worksheet2 but it doesn't work
when I insert a new row into worksheet1. It automatically changes the formula
to "=Sheet1!A2".

Thanks in advance.

Gary''s Student

In A1 of Sheet2 enter:

=INDIRECT("Sheet1!A" & ROW()) and copy down

Similar for other cols.


Since you have multiple contiguous cols to link, eg from Sheet1's cols A to
C, here's one way for easier formula propagation

In Sheet2,
you could place this in any starting cell, say, in B2:
Copy B2 across/fill down as far as required to cover the max expected source
range. The above will return the required links to Sheet1's cols A to C which
will survive row/col insertions and deletions.

Adapt the "text" anchor point: 'Sheet1'!A1
within the INDIRECT to suit the top left corner cell ref in the source sheet

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