t bennett
I have a merge from my Outlook showing all the employees in Portland.
This prints in two columns. After the last person, I'd like to have a
new merge from the same Outlook contact list, but will only look for
employees from Tempe. I currently have this set up in two different
documents. I tried to represent this below:
PORTLAND ----------header-----------
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx TEMPE -header-
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx
What's the best way to go about this? Right now, I'm running separate
merges, then copying out the Tempe catalog and pasting it into the
Portland catalog.
I don't know if it matters, but I am using a table to put Name,
Extension, Department, etc. into.
This prints in two columns. After the last person, I'd like to have a
new merge from the same Outlook contact list, but will only look for
employees from Tempe. I currently have this set up in two different
documents. I tried to represent this below:
PORTLAND ----------header-----------
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx TEMPE -header-
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx
What's the best way to go about this? Right now, I'm running separate
merges, then copying out the Tempe catalog and pasting it into the
Portland catalog.
I don't know if it matters, but I am using a table to put Name,
Extension, Department, etc. into.