How do I move deleted items to another spreadsheet?



I am tracking dealer inventory. Dealer will add & delete units almost daily.
I don't want to allow the possibility of a unit being paid off now, and then
in a few days, be added back on. Can I move deleted (paid off) items to a
place where I can keep the VIN numbers for comparison to current units being
added? I'm already checking my existing spreadsheet for duplications and I'm
also stopping with an error message if I try to add a new VIN that's already
on my sheet.

Jim Thomlinson

My recommendation is to not remove the VIN numbers but rather to add fields
such as "paid off" that you can filter by. That way if someone tries to add a
duplicate VIN number you can use simple validation to indicate the error and
allow the uer to look up the exisitng VIN. Simple sorting and filtering
should take care of what you want to do. A better solution still might be to
use a database with the VIN number as the key but that is up to you...


Great!! What kind of details?

Don Guillett said:
Easy enough to do with a macro but DETAILS would be needed.

Don Guillett
Microsoft MVP Excel
SalesAid Software
(e-mail address removed)


Thanks Jim. I don't deal with this everyday...could you point me in the right
direction with the database approach? Best regards...

Jim Thomlinson

Using MS Access or some other database set up tables to hold the vehicles and
the transactions associated with those vehicles. Create forms to allow the
users to intract with the tables where by they can create and edit the
vehicles and the transactions associated with them. You can also create
reports dealing the the transactions and the vehicles.

The benefits of this system is that there is only one database that holds
all of the transactions and each user can log into the database... If you
want you can use XL as the front end of the database but it does require a
failry sophisticated knowledge of XL and databases along with VBA...

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