How do I move Internet Explorer favorites to a new computer?



My wife bought a new desktop and delegated to me the task of setting it up.
She has saved her favorites, but I cannot figure out how to set them up on
the new computer other than visiting each site one at a time and adding each
to favorites. This is doable, but very time consuming. Is there an easier

Gyorgy Moldova [MCSE+I, MVP]

you could copy the c:\documents and settings\username\favorites folder. or
use the Windows Live Favorites which keeps it in sync on multiple computers


Alan Edwards

How did she save them?
The standard way is to use IE-File-Export and create a single HTML
file for later use with IE-File-Import.

If she saved the Favorites folder, then just copy the contents of the
folder (not the folder itself) to the Favorites folder on the new
computer. Use Windows Explorer for that.


Gyorgy Moldova [MCSE+I, MVP]

normal NTFS rules apply for the favorites folder, unsure 'bout them

Alan Edwards

Sorry to but in but I can't help it...

Can you explain what you mean by a 'favorites file size'?
Do you mean each individual file (usually 1KB) or the number of
favorite files (in thousands) in a folder or the total size in GB of
the Favorites folder?

Ignore this if it is really an Office problem, though I don't see it
as such.


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