How do I move to the first or last open page in FrontPage 2003?



In Frontpage 2000, to the right of the tabs for all open pages, along with
forward and revese scrolling arrows there were double forward and reverse
arrows which moved you directly to the first or last open page. FrontPage
2003 no longer has these double arrows. Does anyone know how I can quickly
move to the first or last open page? I frequently have 100 or more pages open
at one time.

Tina Clarke

tcob said:
In Frontpage 2000, to the right of the tabs for all open pages, along with
forward and revese scrolling arrows there were double forward and reverse
arrows which moved you directly to the first or last open page. FrontPage
2003 no longer has these double arrows. Does anyone know how I can quickly
move to the first or last open page? I frequently have 100 or more pages open
at one time.

If you click Web Site at the left hand side that will take to the first
open page, there are two arrows on the left if you RIGHT CLICK either arrow
once it will automatically scroll to the first with the left hand arrow and
the last with the right hand arrow .... Postion the cursor over the arrow
and RIGHT click with the mouse once.

FrontPage works much slower with that amount of pages open ... it should be
no more than 20 at a time ... .why do you need so many open, are you adding
stuff ot each of the pages? In which case do you perhaps need to look at
using dwt and or includes?


Tip now out is: FrontPage has many uses. Do you know them all? - FrontPage Tips
They are primarily for FrontPage 2003 but will be good
for earlier versions too.


Thanks Tina. I open many pages at once because I am adding different content
to each page and then I need to take a small piece of that new content to add
as anchor text to a directory page, so dwt or includes won't work. The RIGHT
CLICK feature is great, but as you can imagine it takes a while to scroll
through 100 or more pages. I've had up to 300 pages open and FrontPage hasn't
slowed down at all. It's not like Microsoft to remove a feature without
offering an alternative (ha!ha!).

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