Rochelle B

I have been fighting this dilema for 3 weeks.
tempred min sft 4($L$9)
annealed min sft 1($L$10)
heatstrengthened min sft 2($L$11)
qty(C13) Width(E13) Height (I13) sft temp(u13) ann(v13)
ht str(w13)
5 5 5 X

in sft, I need A FORMULA TO
=IF(U13="X",EVEN(E13)*EVEN(I13)/144 at this point I need the formula
to calculate if the product returned is greater than >$L$9 (BEING MIN SFT OF
4) to calculate EVEN(E13)*EVEN(I13)*C13/144, if not true, then return $L$9)
but if u13 DOES NOT have an X and v13 DOES have an X, then I need to repeat
the IF formula with using $L$10, and again the same if formula, if $L$10 DOES
NOT have an X and w13 DOES, then it needs to calculate using $L$11.

The bottom line is, that depending on which box has an "X" depends which
boxes to use for calculation. I can get 1 IF function to work with this but
not three and I can't get it to return the min of 4 sft if the total product
is less than 4

Arvi Laanemets


(you can nest up to 7 IF's in such way)

Sorry, but your explanations are a mess - it was impossible to understand,
what are conditions after 2nd, and return formulas after 1st. (PS. When
there are common parts in all return formulas, then it is possible to reduce
both formulas above somewhat).

Rochelle B

I know this is a mess. MYour response has me on the right track but please
let me explain a little further (I hope I can).

the situation is: Depending on which kind of glass is being measured, and
an X designates this U13, V13 or W13, this should tell the formula which
cells to p/u and calculate...Always being: even(u13)*even(i13) and then by
the determination of where the X is located, it has to determind which
minimum sft to use to see if it falls under the MINIMUM SFT ORDER, being
($L$9),($L$10)or ($L$11)

I wish I could send you the spreadsheet. I have to have this ready by friday.

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