How do I number the rows in a table in Microsoft Word 2007?



I want to turn on automatic numbering of the rows in a table in Microsoft
Word 2007.
Can't find the method in MSW help or online.

Stefan Blom

You can select the relevant cells and, on the Home tab of the ribbon, choose
a number format by clicking the Numbering button. (That is the quick way to
do it; the proper way is to apply a numbered style.)


Thanks to Stefan. THat does what I need, though it also adds a period and
tabs to the numbers.
Ummm - how does one apply a numbered style? I tried the "design" tab in the
table tools set, and don't see anything about numbering in any of the
'styles' options.


Stefan Blom

You can use the Apply Styles pane (Ctrl+Shift+S) to apply the List Number
style to selected text. Note that you can and should modify the style to
suit your needs. Click the Modify button, and then click Format, Numbering.
Click Define New Number Format. In the "Number format" box, delete the
period. Click OK.

After you have closed the Modify Style dialog box, right-click the numbered
paragraph and then choose Adjust List Indent from the context menu. Clear
the tab stops and indentation. Click OK. If/when you are prompted to update
the style, choose to do so.

Stefan Blom

I forgot to mention that you have to change the "Follow number with" to
"None" or "Space" (in the Adjust List Indents dialog box); otherwise the
text will start at the default tab stop.

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