How do I open a jpg email attachment?



When I try to open a .jpg attahment to an email I recieve a pop-up that says
"the system cannot find the path specified" which leaves me unable to open
the attachment. How can I open it?


Jerry said:
When I try to open a .jpg attahment to an email I recieve a pop-up
that says
"the system cannot find the path specified" which leaves me unable to
the attachment. How can I open it?

Well, whatever application you used to view graphic files is no longer
installed or the path to it is wrong. Check the association for the[e]g filetype (in Explorer, use Tools -> Folder Options -> Filetypes
tab). If you save the attached file and then double-click on it in
Explorer, does whatever application load okay that has been associated
with that filetype? What happens when you first open the application in
which you want to view the graphics file and then open that saved file
using the application's File -> Open menu?


When I click on 'tools' in 'explorer' no 'folder options' is among the

Vanguard said:
Jerry said:
When I try to open a .jpg attahment to an email I recieve a pop-up
that says
"the system cannot find the path specified" which leaves me unable to
the attachment. How can I open it?

Well, whatever application you used to view graphic files is no longer
installed or the path to it is wrong. Check the association for the[e]g filetype (in Explorer, use Tools -> Folder Options -> Filetypes
tab). If you save the attached file and then double-click on it in
Explorer, does whatever application load okay that has been associated
with that filetype? What happens when you first open the application in
which you want to view the graphics file and then open that saved file
using the application's File -> Open menu?

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Jerry said:
When I click on 'tools' in 'explorer' no 'folder options' is among the

So, is this host that you are using at work or at home?

What if you go to the Control Panel. Is the Folder Options applet
listed there?


I'm at home. OK thanks, I have now found 'file types', and JPEG is among
them. I saved the email attachment to "my documents" then double-clicked on
it. A popup "windows cannot find Psuite.exe." appeared. So, I still am not
able to view the attachment. I noticed that several other JPEG files are
among "my documents",and I am unable to open any of them (the same popup
appears).I have MGI Photosuite and the 'JPEG files' box is checked under
settings.Thanks for your help.


Jerry said:
I'm at home. OK thanks, I have now found 'file types', and JPEG is
them. I saved the email attachment to "my documents" then
double-clicked on
it. A popup "windows cannot find Psuite.exe." appeared. So, I still am
able to view the attachment. I noticed that several other JPEG files
among "my documents",and I am unable to open any of them (the same
appears).I have MGI Photosuite and the 'JPEG files' box is checked
settings.Thanks for your help.

So WHERE is this psuite.exe program that you want to use to open image
files? Maybe you don't have it installed anymore. When you right-click
on the file in Explorer and select Open With, you can browse to the
program that you want to open the file. What happens when you select
whatever graphics program you want to use, like MGI Photosuite (which I
have never liked because of their rude registry takeover)? When you
select the program in the context menu to open the file, you also have
the option to always use that program.


What you described is usually what hppens when I want to open a file, but in
this case I never have an opportunity to select a program because the popup
interrupts and gives me no options.


Jerry said:
What you described is usually what hppens when I want to open a file,
but in
this case I never have an opportunity to select a program because the
interrupts and gives me no options.

So don't double-click on the .jpg file. Double-clicking tries to use
the default action defined for that filetype (i.e., the program loads to
read that file). RIGHT-CLICK on it. That is what brings up the context
menu. You need to use the Open With item in the context menu to then
get to browser to find the program that you want to use to open that
file. Don't go selecting one of the old program entries in the Open
With dialog but go browse to whatever application you want to use.

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