How do I open an older Outlook .pst file?



I recently backep-up the hard drive on my laptop in anticipation of
reformatting the unit. After reformatting (using all the same software discs
that came with the laptop) I tried to open the .pst backup file for Outlook
(containing all my contacts, calendar, and emails for the last three years)
and got the following error message: "The <file> is not compatible with this
version of the Personal Folders Information Service." How can that be when I
am using the exact same version (same disc, remember?) of Outlook (Windows
XP, Outlook 2002) to try and open the file as was used to create it?

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

I doubt that.
That error message indicates your PST file was created in Outlook 2003 and
you are trying to open it in an earlier version.


You were absolutely right -- I had never updated Outlook 2002 to Outlook
2003, but I noticed that my post-backup Outlook did not have the same
appearance as my pre-backup Outlook. So, I upgraded (again, as it turns out;
I think the MIS from my previous coompany upgraaded me without telling me)
and have now been able to open the older .pst file. Thanks! Now, for my next
question: What is the easiest way to merge the two Outlook backup folders
(pre-laptop reformat and post-laptop reformat) so that I only have one set of
Email/Contacts/etc. folders? Mike

Russ Valentine said:
I doubt that.
That error message indicates your PST file was created in Outlook 2003 and
you are trying to open it in an earlier version.
Russ Valentine
mbrown3039 said:
I recently backep-up the hard drive on my laptop in anticipation of
reformatting the unit. After reformatting (using all the same software
that came with the laptop) I tried to open the .pst backup file for
(containing all my contacts, calendar, and emails for the last three
and got the following error message: "The <file> is not compatible with
version of the Personal Folders Information Service." How can that be when
am using the exact same version (same disc, remember?) of Outlook (Windows
XP, Outlook 2002) to try and open the file as was used to create it?

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Open both files in an Outlook profile. Copy what you want from one into the
Russ Valentine
mbrown3039 said:
You were absolutely right -- I had never updated Outlook 2002 to Outlook
2003, but I noticed that my post-backup Outlook did not have the same
appearance as my pre-backup Outlook. So, I upgraded (again, as it turns
I think the MIS from my previous coompany upgraaded me without telling me)
and have now been able to open the older .pst file. Thanks! Now, for my
question: What is the easiest way to merge the two Outlook backup folders
(pre-laptop reformat and post-laptop reformat) so that I only have one set
Email/Contacts/etc. folders? Mike

Russ Valentine said:
I doubt that.
That error message indicates your PST file was created in Outlook 2003
you are trying to open it in an earlier version.
Russ Valentine
mbrown3039 said:
I recently backep-up the hard drive on my laptop in anticipation of
reformatting the unit. After reformatting (using all the same software
that came with the laptop) I tried to open the .pst backup file for
(containing all my contacts, calendar, and emails for the last three
and got the following error message: "The <file> is not compatible with
version of the Personal Folders Information Service." How can that be
am using the exact same version (same disc, remember?) of Outlook
XP, Outlook 2002) to try and open the file as was used to create it?

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