How do I pass an array as an argument to a VBA Function



I cannot seem to find a way to pass an array to a Visual Basic function
from Excel, All I get is the #VALUE! error result on my worksheet,
telling me that "a value used in the formula is of the wrong data

I have the VBA code as follows:

Function LastValue(Values()) As Single
Dim Hi As Integer, Lo As Integer, i As Integer
Dim thisValue As Single
Hi = UBound(Values)
Lo = LBound(Values)
For i = Hi To Lo Step -1
thisValue = Values(i)
If thisValue <> 0 Then
LastValue = thisValue
Exit Function
End If
Next i
LastValue = 0 ' if all entries in the array are zero
End Function

And the call on the worksheet is

I get the same result if I try typecasting 'Values' as Variant, as
Single, etc., or if I use ByRef (ByVal gives a compile error), or if I
make the function Public.

This seems simple enough, and I can't see why it doesn't work. Is it
possible to pass arrays using Excel 2004 for Mac, and am I going about
it the right way?

Any help would be appreciated.


JE McGimpsey

PaulFryer said:
This seems simple enough, and I can't see why it doesn't work. Is it
possible to pass arrays using Excel 2004 for Mac, and am I going about
it the right way?

There are usually many different ways to accomplish the task. You're not
passing an array when you use


Instead you're passing a range object. One way to deal with that would

Public Function LastValue2(ByRef rng As Range) As Double
Dim i As Long
With rng
For i = .Count To 1 Step -1
If .Item(i).Value <> 0 Then
LastValue2 = .Item(i).Value
Exit Function
End If
Next i
End With
LastValue2 = 0
End Function

Note that i needs to be a Long to accommodate more than 32767 cells, and
the function should return a double, since that's what XL will coerce
the value to in any case.

One could make it more sophisticated by using variant as a parameter,
then testing for whether the parameter is a range object, an array of
values, or a simple Double, then deal with those separately within the

Of course, it's probably easier, and definitely more efficient and
faster, to use built-in XL functions. For instance, if all cells are
filed up to the last one:


Or, if there could be blanks:



Thanks for the helpful reply. I am not a regular VB programmer, and I
normally only use it to create functions that I can't find any other

I tried your suggestions for standard Excel functions, and several
variants, but none were able to do exactly what I need. So I am back
to creating something. The code example that you gave worked exactly
as I needed, and after some study of the documentation I sorted out how
it is working. So it gets the OK to be used.

A follow-on question though. Is this technique the way I should
proceed in future if I want to carry out some actions on a cell range
on a worksheet? Can I also use it to change worksheet range cell
values - I quickly tried it and it didn't work (rng.Item(i).Value =
expression), or is there something more I need to do? Or is there a
way to actually pass an array to the Function via the call from the
worksheet - as opposed to the range object I am currently passing?

Just trying to set myself straight for the next time!

Thanks again.


Bob Greenblatt


PMFJI, but by definition, a function called form a cell, like
=xxx(arguments) can ONLY return a value to the cell in which it is placed.
It is not possible to alter the contents or format of any other cell during
a function called during a calculation. If you need to change the values of
other cells you'll have to do it a different way, like an event macro, or
key activated macro. It just will not work if the macro is within the
calculation chain.


Thanks, Bob. It's fairly obvious now you mention it, and I should have
realized that before. Something to file away for future reference.

I do appreciate this forum, and the time folks take to answer dumb
questions from people like me. I only wish I was knowledgeable enough
to do likewise, but I typically don't spend enough time in any
application to become an expert.

Anyway, thanks again.


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