how do i password protect certian text on my web page



i am creating a webpage for my business i have created the basic product list
but i would like to publish my prices to active accounts by them entering a
password and being either directed to a new form or by just having the text
show up after the password is confermed

Humi Khan

Then why don't you create an authentication page, that will ask for the user
name and password and then let the customer into the site. That will be the
best thing probably. Or if I can think anyother thing I will pop here again
and suggest that. But so far I believe that will do the trick.


Thank You for your help... now can i ask one more question .... how do i do
that ? create the authentication page that is


to be honest i dont know my brother in law set me up 3 web pages and now i am
designing them.....tell me what you need to know and i will get the info
cause i dont have a clue

Tom Willett

We need to know what operating system your web host uses. Windows IIS?
UNIX? Linux? Apached for Windows? etc...

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