How do I paste using destination formatting as the default?


Rick Copeland

When I paste text into OneNote, it automatically keeps the source
formatting, although I have the option of changing it to destination
formatting. I'd like destination formatting to be the default--I NEVER want
source formatting. Is there a way to do this? In other Office applications,
I've created a macro to do a "paste special" and then tied that to a
keystroke combo, but I can't seem to do that in OneNote.

In fact, if anyone has advice as to how to do this for ALL Office
applications--so I don't need the special macro--I would appreciate it. In a
way, I'm surprised that the default it source formatting. I can't think of
too many instances where this would be beneficial. If I'm cutting and
pasting, it's because I want the content, not the formatting.

Thanks in advance,


Rick Copeland said:
When I paste text into OneNote, it automatically keeps the source
formatting, although I have the option of changing it to destination
formatting. I'd like destination formatting to be the default--I NEVER want

.... ok, at this point, click in the little paste icon again, and then click
"Set as Default Paste". This should do the trick.

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